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Landing page

Landing page

Landing page for a company dealing with industrial wiring

SIte for the consulting agency

SIte for the consulting agency

The company is scepializing at consulting, coaching and outsourcing in financial and legal fields. So they needed something light, elegant and very informative.

Landing OptiStone

Landing OptiStone

Landing page for the cloud service OptiStone, which helps to manage the functioning of the stone proceeding plant.

Portal for the local Academy

Portal for the local Academy

Official portal for the Karelian research center of Russian academy of sciences. The aim was to create modern light and simple interface looking "academical"

Internet shop of exclusive furniture

Internet shop of exclusive furniture

The aim was to make a luxuary re-brending of exisiting internet shop. So the customer insisted on whyte, gold and vignettes. Logo was also developed by me.

Site for a state corportaion

Site for a state corportaion

Site for the sub-division of huge Russuan state corporation "Rosteh". The aim was to develop the site's design according to the corporate identity of the head company.

Interface for a GIS application

Interface for a GIS application

The interface for a GIS application which allowed users to add different events in the forests (fire, cleaning flashmobs etc.) to the map of Russia and publish them on the site. It was developed for the federal News agency of the forest industry's site, which was closed due to the changes in the government

On-line sport & analytics radio

On-line sport & analytics radio

Big project for on-line sport radio with on-line translations, experts's analytics, betting possibilities and many more... which unfortunataly was not realized til the end

Site for a constructing company

Site for a constructing company

Small promo site about the company involved in engeneering, constructing and reparing

Promo-site for BTL agency

Promo-site for BTL agency

Unfortunately this project was rejected by the customer, they prefered more common way to show the advantages of their services :(

Site for a timber stocking company

Site for a timber stocking company

Small site for the «Timber Holding Company «Karellesprom»wich operates in the field of forestry, transportation and marketing of timber.

Set of banners

Set of banners

Apps' collection for disabled

Apps' collection for disabled

Portal where developers aim to gather all the apps developed to improve the life of the people with disabilities in our region

Marriage agency site

Marriage agency site

Red hearts, kissing people and lots of pictures with happy cuples - the whole kit which is associated with love & marriage

Promo-site for a timber company

Promo-site for a timber company

Small promo site for the company involved in logging, so hydromanipulator and track with loggs - to avoid misunderstanding!

Internet shop "Cool baby"

Internet shop "Cool baby"

The aim was to re-design the internet shop selling the goods for babies according to the modern standarts of usability and new logo. We tryed to make this site look clean and vivd and at the same time not to grab attention form the goods.

Interface for the museum's database

Interface for the museum's database

The aim was to create an interface for adding different exhibits (geological, antropologycal, historical etc.) to the database of international museum project

Data base of manuscripts

Data base of manuscripts

The design for the data base of the manuscripts of the 15th - 18th centuries

Internet furniture shop

Internet furniture shop

Internet shop which was intended to sell chinese replicas of fancy furniture. Unfortunately the project was cancelled.

Charity organization

Charity organization

Site for a charity foundation aimed to help kids in diffcult situation. The project was closed.

© 2023 Natalya Vdovitsyna

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